
Understanding the Referrals Report

1. Referrer Column

The "Referrer" column lists the websites or sources that have referred visitors to your site. Click on the referrer’s website to filter.

2. Count Column

The "Count" column shows the number of conversions referred by each source during the selected date range. 

3. Total Column

The "Total" column displays the total revenue generated from visitors referred by each source. This helps you understand the monetary value of traffic from each referrer. Beside the total is the % of total revenue.

Using the Referrals Report

1. Analyzing Traffic Sources

Review the list of referrers to identify which sources are driving the most traffic to your site. The referrers are ranked based on the number of conversions and revenue they generate.

2. Evaluating Performance

Use the "Count" and "Total" columns to assess the performance of each referrer. Identify which sources not only drive conversions but also contribute significantly to your revenue.

3. Taking Action

Focus your marketing efforts on high-performing referrers by increasing engagement or running targeted campaigns. Consider improving or optimizing the experience for visitors coming from referrers that drive a lot of traffic but generate low revenue.

By following these steps, you can effectively analyze and utilize the Referrals report on to optimize your traffic sources and enhance your site’s performance. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, refer to the help section or contact support for more detailed guidance.