Filters and saved filters

Applying Filters

1. Add a New Filter by Clicking on Entries

To filter data by specific pages, referrers, etc..., you can click directly on the entries listed in sections like "Landing Pages" or "Referrals".

  • For example, click on the page name like "Blog - /blog/post-28" under the "Landing Pages" section or "" under the "Referrals" section to apply the filter.

2. Apply the Filter

The selected entry (e.g., a specific blog post, referrer, etc...) will be added as a filter, and the data will be filtered accordingly.

3. Clear Filters

To remove a filter, click on the "Clear All Filters" option in the filter menu. You can also remove individual filters by clicking the trash icon next to each filter name.

Saving Filters

1. Open the Filter Menu

Ensure you have applied the desired filters as described above.

2. Save the Current Filters

In the filter dropdown, you will see an option to "Save Filters Name". Click on this option to save the current set of filters for future use.

3. Name the Saved Filter

Enter a name for the saved filter in the provided field. For example, "Blog Only". Click the "Save" button to save the filter with the entered name.

4. Using Saved Filters

To apply a saved filter, open the filter menu and look for the saved filter under the "Saved Filters" section. Click on the saved filter name to apply it, and the dashboard will update to reflect the saved filter criteria.

5. Manage Saved Filters

To delete a saved filter, open the filter menu, find the saved filter you want to remove, and click the trash icon next to it.

By following these steps, you can effectively use and manage filters and saved filters on to analyze specific subsets of your data. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, refer to the help section or contact support for more detailed guidance.