Microsoft Ad Tracking in Gravity Forms

Effortless Microsoft Ad Tracking for Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms UTM Parameters

Struggling to measure the success of your Microsoft ad campaigns in Gravity Forms? You're not alone.Without a clear understanding of where your leads and sales are coming from, it's nearly impossible to optimize your marketing efforts.Luckily, offers the perfect solution.With our platform, you can see exactly where your sales and leads are coming from, making marketing attribution a breeze.

What is is an advanced tracking platform designed to offer unparalleled insights into your online campaigns.For Gravity Forms users, this means effortlessly integrating Microsoft ad tracking and gaining detailed analytics on your lead sources.Imagine knowing exactly which ads are generating the most conversions—allowing you to fine-tune and optimize your marketing strategies like never before.

How works with Gravity Forms?

      Add UTMs to Your External Links

      Step 1: Add UTMs to Your External Links

      Begin by adding UTM parameters to the external links you use in your marketing campaigns. These parameters help you track the source, medium, and campaign name, providing detailed insights into where your traffic is coming from.

      For example, if you’re running a Facebook ad, your link might look like this:

      Add a Tracking Script to Your Website & Thank You Page

      Step 2: Add a Tracking Script to Your Website & Thank You Page

      Next, integrate the tracking script into your website. This script will capture all the UTM parameters from your links and track visitor interactions seamlessly. To track conversions effectively, add a conversion script to your thank you page, which visitors land on after completing a desired action, such as filling out a form or making a purchase.

      Get Actionable Data with our Reports

      Step 3: Get Actionable Data with our Reports

      We offer over 25 reports which give you insights into the performance of your marketing campaigns, showing you where your traffic is coming from, which sources are converting, and how different campaigns are performing. Use this data to make informed decisions, optimize your strategies, and maximize your marketing ROI.

Why use with Gravity Forms?

We provide detailed reports that empower Gravity Forms users with actionable insights into their marketing performance. Our reporting system offers both first, last touch, and asssited attribution, giving you a complete picture of your customer journey from initial contact to conversion.

First Touch Attribution: This tracks the very first interaction a visitor has with your marketing efforts, such as clicking on an ad or a social media link. For Gravity Forms users, understanding the first touch point is crucial for identifying which channels are most effective at attracting potential leads. By analyzing this data, you can optimize your top-of-funnel marketing strategies, ensuring you invest in the channels that drive initial interest in your forms.

Last Touch Attribution: Our last touch attribution focuses on the final interaction that leads to a conversion. This could be a click on a remarketing ad or a direct visit to your website. For Gravity Forms users, this insight is essential for understanding what ultimately drives users to complete your forms. By leveraging last touch data, you can refine your bottom-of-funnel tactics, ensuring that your efforts are effectively guiding prospects to convert.

Using these attribution models with our reports, Gravity Forms users can gain a holistic view of their marketing performance. The combination allows you to see the entire customer journey, identify high-performing channels, and make informed decisions to enhance your marketing strategies. With, you have the tools you need to maximize your campaign success and achieve your business goals.

Marketing Attribution

Key Takeaway

Don't let guesswork dictate the success of your advertising campaigns.With, you get precise, actionable data that empowers you to make informed decisions.Start tracking, start optimizing, and watch your conversions soar with Gravity Forms and

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See exactly where your sales, leads, revenue, ads, UTMs and more are coming from without being a data nerd. 🤓

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