Analyzify Alternative

Best alternative to Analyzify

Are you looking for an alternative to Analyzify? It can be frustrating to deal with complicated setups and lack of user-friendly features. With Analyzify, you might find yourself spending more time configuring your tracking setup rather than analyzing results. simplifies the process with an intuitive interface and robust features that help you get actionable insights quickly. Why struggle with complexity when you can have a seamless experience that lets you focus on what really matters—converting your visitors into customers?
Alternative to Analyzify
Alternative to Analyzify
The Problem

Struggling with Attribution & Conversion Tracking with Analyzify ?

Are you struggling to understand which of your marketing efforts are driving leads, conversions and revenue with Analyzify ? There IS a better way, – a powerful conversion tracking tool that helps you track and attribute conversions to the right sources.

You need what I call the 80/20 of marketing attribution:

  • First Touch Attribution

    This lets you see how a customer discovers you. Was it a Google Search, a Facebook Ad, etc...

  • Last Touch Attribution

    This lets you see the last thing they did before converting. Maybe it was that awesome email you wrote.

  • Assisted Attribution

    This lets you see if the person saw any campaign, email or blog post before converting.

The Solution

Switch to for the best alternative to Analyzify !

We give you everything you need to measure your marketing efforts in an easy to understand dashboard so you can grow your business.

With over 25 built-in reports, you get answers to these questions:

  • What are the traffic sources of sales and leads?
  • Which sites are referring the most sales?
  • Who are my best affiliates?
  • Which landing pages on my website lead to a conversion?
  • What ads are customers discovering me with?
  • Which blog posts are leading people to discover my website?
  • Which marketing channels are my best?
  • Are my emails leading to sales?
  • How long does it take for someone to make a purchase?
  • Which country, regions and cities are my buyers from?
  • How can I track my UTM Parameters?
  • And so much more...
Best alternative to Analyzify
Setup is a breeze compared to Analyzify
How It Works

Setting up Lead Source & Conversion Tracking is a breeze compared to Analyzify

Add just a few lines of code to your website and start tracking of your leads and sales, goodbye Analyzify . We have over 25 easy to understand reports.

  • Step 1: Add our tracking code to each page of your website to monitor the initial source and last touch before a conversion.
  • Step 2: Add custom fields to your lead forms to automatically capture attribution data for your CRM.
  • Step 3: Our script records the conversion on your thank you page, capturing all relevant marketing data like Referrer, Landing Page, and UTM Parameters when a sale converts.
  • Step 4: Access 25 revenue-prioritized reports to analyze and optimize your marketing, including Referral Websites, Landing Pages, UTM Campaigns, Channels, and more.

Why is better than Analyzify

  1. Source Tracking: Identifies where visitors are coming from, whether it’s organic search, social media, or paid ads.
  2. UTM Tracking: Helps users implement and monitor UTM parameters to gain detailed insights into campaign performance.
  3. Conversion Analytics: Offers comprehensive analytics to track conversions and understand which marketing efforts are driving sales.
  4. Revenue Tracking: Allows businesses to attribute revenue to specific campaigns and sources, providing a clear picture of ROI.
  5. Ecommerce Integration: Easily integrates with ecommerce platforms like WooCommerce & Shopify to track sales and customer behavior.
  6. Lead Source Tracking: Enhance your lead tracking by capturing the source of each lead and seamlessly integrating this information into your CRM through your form submissions. Use Cases aims to simplify the complex process of conversion tracking compared to and provide actionable insights that anyone can use to enhance their marketing performance and drive growth.

Try for free today

See exactly where your sales, leads, revenue, ads, UTMs and more are coming from without being a data nerd. 🤓

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