Why I Created ConversionTracking.com: The Journey to Building a Better Conversion Tracking Tool

· 4 min read

Frustrated with complex and confusing analytics tools? You're not alone. Discover the journey that led me to the creation of ConversionTracking.com, a tool designed to make your life easier.

Facing the Frustrations: The Pain Points of Existing Analytics Tools

Most analytics tools focus solely on the last touchpoint. This means  for example that if someone discovers your site or product through an ad or a blog post, then returns directly to your website the next day to make a purchase or sign up, Google Analytics and most ad platforms will attribute the conversion to the last touchpoint, in this case, "Direct."

This is a problem, I want to know if my blog or ad drove the conversion. I also want to know if any point, did the visitor see an ad, email, or blog post.

The Spark of Innovation: Realizing the Need for a Better Solution

This drove me to create my own script to record the visitor's initial source. I would then store the source along with the purchase. I could then see if my ads from Google or Yahoo were working. (Yes, Yahoo, this was back in 2011). Anyway, I slowly developed my script over time adding in more dimensions and getting better data on where my customers were coming from.

From Concept to Creation: The Journey of Building ConversionTracking

I currently have a team and run SeedProd.com, RafflePress.com, and Duplicator.com. I don't get to do much programming work anymore but I still love to program and create things. I liken it to a painter loving to paint, it's not the same if the painter is telling someone what to paint. I have to create stuff and be creative.

So over Christmas break at the end of 2023, I decided to take all the code I had been tweaking over the years to learn about my conversions and make it an app. For all the nerds out there I also learned a new technology called livewire.laravel.com and this app is built with the TALL stack. Over 10 days I created conversiontracking.com and it was everything I wanted in a conversion tracking app.

 What Sets Us Apart: The Unique Features of ConversionTracking

All our reports are by revenue and not by views. We want you to clearly and accurately see where all your conversions are coming from and how you can double down on your best revenue channels.  With conversiontracking.com you'll learn:

  • Where are my sales and leads coming from
  • Which campaigns are working
  • What are my best-referring domains
  • What are my best affiliates
  • What pages on my website lead to a conversion
  • Which ads are driving sales
  • What is the ROI of my content marketing
  • Which blog posts are leading people to discover my website
  • What is the true source of my traffic
  • What are my discovery marketing channels
  • How long does it take for someone to make a purchase
  • How many visits before someone purchases
  • How many pages are viewed before purchasing
  • UTM Tracking
  • And much more...

Visit our website and sign up to start learning where your conversions are coming from.

John Turner

John Turner is the founder of ConversionTracking.com and a seasoned expert in marketing and conversion optimization. With over 20 years of experience, John has dedicated his career to helping businesses grow and become successful. Learn more about John

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